Would it be functional?

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by notactuallybald
image showing Would it be functional?

Mad-Celtic on May 26th, 2018 at 07:58 UTC »

If yes then that would be quite a story

defaultuser42 on May 26th, 2018 at 10:45 UTC »

I want to set this thing straight once and for all, he didn't design shit. He drew a picture of a really crappy aircraft and then copy down some basic flight Dynamics equations. I mean that stuff is literally in undergraduate textbooks.

I mean one of those equations is literally just the equation for drag. You can also tell where he was going to try to put it into a matrix to get the actual General linearized Dynamics, but then just kind of gave up because he probably hasn't taken linear algebra yet and was just copying this off the internet.

To put it in context. It would be like if someone wrote down a title and the words "intro, rising action, climax, and happy ending" on a piece of paper, and claimed it was a novel.

Freak_of_the_week on May 26th, 2018 at 11:11 UTC »

He made an awkward A-90 ekranoplane with changes to the wingtips.

This guy didn't design anything that would fly. He isn't even close to satisfying the initial design phase. Not even 1/1000th of initial design. There are only three equations: lift and drag coefficients and induced drag. No other variables or values... its kind of scary how people think something engineering teams devote years for can be done in one drunken stupor.