Insecure moms, forever gatekeeping on someecards

Image from and submitted by kellchez
image showing Insecure moms, forever gatekeeping on someecards

ratsandfoxbats on May 23rd, 2018 at 16:15 UTC »

Stay at home FB moms are absolutely ridiculous

ayyyvocado on May 23rd, 2018 at 17:04 UTC »

I don’t have more moms on my social media because honestly, they’re vicious. They all attack each other for the way they raise their kids and I’m just not down for that, motherhood is not a competition.

UrbanDryad on May 23rd, 2018 at 20:21 UTC »

I got to be a stay at home mom for 3 years before going back to work, so I've tasted both sides of this equation.

Staying at home is what you make it. If you are willing to let a TV/ipad screen babysit for you for 8 hours a day while feeding them microwave junk in a filthy house, it's easy. You could kill yourself going in the other direction trying to be too perfect. I was somewhere in the middle. The hardest part for me was that I was simultaneously bored and overworked. You have lots of "free" time...but it's in tiny little 5 min increments so you can stop and monitor the kiddo. You can't ever start something that will take real focus (like playing a level in a video game or taking a bath) or anything you can't drop instantly if they kid gets into something. And the cleaning sucked. Not the normal cleaning, that's easy. It's the messes the kids would make constantly. Everywhere. Little shits would make a mess in one room just to distract you so that they could go fuck something up somewhere else while you were distracted.

True story: My 2-year old once painted the couch with sour cream from the fridge while I was in the bathroom. I was gone for 2 minutes. The upholstery cleaning machine has a loud motor, so I didn't hear him climbing up the cabinet where we kept the finger paints. His room and carpet looked like a Jackson Pollock painting.