My Fancy Gaming Table

Authored by and submitted by MrTrollOKC
image for My Fancy Gaming Table

It worked and the TV fit in nicely. I don't have any more pictures of the process, as I got busy working on it and lost track of time. Hope you enjoyed the album! Not shown: - Attaching the top table piece - Running the switch and last outlet - Running the AV lines - Installing the audio receiver (I just hung it from a board. I am lazy.) - Dropping in and sealing the Tempered glass over the TV. Cheers!

R0ll0 on May 22nd, 2018 at 22:11 UTC »

This is one of the best Projects I’ve seen on this sub. No $20,000 piece of equipment required. A true DIY project. Congrats it’s amazing.

mrs_pyramidhead on May 22nd, 2018 at 21:59 UTC »

I’m not super into gaming, but I’m curious as to what kind of games one plays with this table? Super cool by the way!

MrTrollOKC on May 22nd, 2018 at 20:51 UTC »

I built a gaming table for my group. It took about 5 months to get from initial plans to finished product.

Features include: * 4’ x 6’ play area with 55” 4K TV for displaying maps and other game materials * Stereo audio system outputting to 4 speakers- Steamlink and Chromecast for streaming video * HDMI, Audio, USB, and Cat6 ports located on the DM side of the table * External power outlets * LED lights for finding dropped dice/caltrops/legos * Switched internal outlets for turning the audio and LEDs on and off. * Leaf inserts to hide gaming elements from angry kitties and to convert the table into a standard 5x7 play/dining area * 8 Slide-out writing drawers with stainless steel cupholders * Heavy duty, dual locking, casters for easy portability * 1/4" tempered glass protects the TV surface and sits flush with the rest of the gaming area.

It took five months and the help of several people to complete this project. This probably would have gone more quickly, but it was my first woodworking project since cub scounts, so there was a lot of sitting, thinking and A big thank you to Randy, Bob, Aaron, Peng, Matthew, Dad, Wren, Carmen, Signs to Go, Metropolitan Library System, and Allied Glass for all their help. Also, thank you to GamingGeek for his inspiring youtube build: I used his plans as a starting point and expanded on them to meet my needs.

Also, sketchup files from my initial draft, just in case you want to use them as a basis for your own table:

Final cost estimate is a little under $2,000 (doesn't include labor cost for stain and poly work).


Edit: Thanks for the Gold, kind sir! I'll use it to improve my selfworth and brag to my wife.