Celebrated 15 years of sobriety. Sister surprised me with a cake. Loved it, though a flower cake for her brother was an interesting choice

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by TheDanimal8888
image showing Celebrated 15 years of sobriety. Sister surprised me with a cake. Loved it, though a flower cake for her brother was an interesting choice

DenMother8 on May 22nd, 2018 at 01:46 UTC »

So nice & congratulations

CrumbsInMyBed on May 22nd, 2018 at 02:34 UTC »

As much as I try, and convince myself I finally am going to get better... I cant stay sober at this point in my life. 15 years is amazing. You are a super human in my eyes. Flowers are like, the epitome of beauty in the eye of most. That’s probably how your sister sees you :) My goal is to one day be where you are.

Edit: Reddit never ceases to blow my mind. I have gotten a lot of really kind and caring messages about this... also some very legitimate tips and advice. OP, thank you especially for taking the time to say everything you did. I have all the respect in the world for you. Being an alcoholic has always been such a normal thing for me, my friends, my family. Everyone I know drinks like monsters, and it’s just been a part of life. That’s the part I’m desperately trying to un-learn and stop buying into. It’s very, very, very difficult. I feel kind of like a shitty aircraft that can’t manage to finally make it up into the air. BUT, I am chugging along. I’m loading myself up with knowledge and strength as I learn how to undo the toxic mentality I’ve always had toward alcohol. Reading messages like the ones you all sent is a help for sure. Thank you all again.

Jretribe on May 22nd, 2018 at 02:49 UTC »

I wonder what my reaction would be if my wife brought ME home flowers......and I think I would probably be smitten. (In a tough manly way)