Join the Battle for Net Neutrality

Authored by and submitted by evanFFTF

Red Alert for Net Neutrality! Letter: Last December's FCC vote to destroy the Net Neutrality protections cannot stand. I’m calling on you to work with your colleagues to use the Congressional Review Act to pass a "resolution of disapproval" reversing the FCC's vote. The FCC's December decision willfully ignored the outcry of tens of millions of people, and it abdicated the FCC's responsibility to protect the internet from ISP blocking and discrimination. The FCC has injured our economy and free speech in just one action, all without so much as a single public hearing. We need members of Congress to stand up for the open internet and for the digital rights of their constituents now. Please co-sponsor, sign the discharge petition for, and vote for the CRA Resolution of Disapproval that would overturn the FCC's December "Restoring Internet Freedom" vote. Thank you. Clear and write your own Write Congress Breaking: On Wednesday, May 16th, the Senate will vote on a resolution to save net neutrality. This is our best chance to stop the FCC from letting Internet providers like Comcast and Verizon ruin the Internet with throttling, censorship, and expensive new fees. Write your lawmakers now!

Congress, are you listening? Voters from across the political spectrum agree they don't want their cable company to control what they see and do online. The FCC's reckless repeal has sparked an unprecedented backlash. The numbers below are only what we know about through and partners. These are constituents calling on lawmakers to stop the FCC and save net neutrality: 🤔 Emails sent to Congress 🤔 Phone calls made to Congress 🤔 Messages sent to Congress by text 🤔 Websites sounding the alarm 🤔 Businesses supporting the CRA

Do you run a website? Use it to join the Red Alert. Congress can vote to stop the FCC, but to make that happen we need a massive volume of phone calls to Congress. Sites will go on Red Alert from May 9th until the Senate votes a week or so later. Can you join us for all or some of it? If you have a website, you can display a prominent alert on your site that asks your visitors to contact Congress. Click here for a demo, grab the code on GitHub, or use one of these banners. The alert will appear once per user per day and users can easily click away. You can link the banners directly to this website. Add this line of code to your site's header! <script src="" async></script>

The Senate is about to vote on whether to save net neutrality or let it die. Ajit Pai's FCC wants to let cable companies control which websites and apps you use, where you get your news, how you listen to music and watch videos -- everything you do on the Internet. But the US Senate will vote in mid-May on a resolution to block the FCC's repeal of net neutrality and keep the web free and open. Starting May 9th through the vote itself, we're calling on websites and social media users to "go red" as part of our Red Alert for Net Neutrality to help sound the alarm. Join us!

Contact Congress now to show your support for net neutrality. Below you'll find a list of your state's senators and representatives. The ones in green support net neutrality, so let them know you appreciate their support. The ones in red need to be convinced, so let them know how important this issue is to you. Then target the 49 undecided senators. Once we win the Senate, the fight moves to the House, where we need over 25 Republican votes to win. So please tweet and call your senators, then tweet and call your representatives!

There are protests all over the country on Monday May 14th. Join one near you. Want to make your voice heard? Check out the map below to find a protest or a meeting with a representative in your state. And if there are no events in your area, consider organizing one!

We are Team Internet. We support net neutrality, freedom of speech. These companies and organizations have been champions of net neutrality and participated in campaigns to save it:

They are Team Cable. They want to end net neutrality, to control & tax the Internet.

Cable companies are famous for high prices and poor service. Several rank as the most hated companies in America. Now, they're lobbying the FCC and Congress to end net neutrality. Why? It's simple: if they win the power to slow sites down, they can bully any site into paying millions to escape the "slow lane." This would amount to a tax on every sector of the American economy. Every site would cost more, since they'd all have to pay big cable. Worse, it would extinguish the startups and independent voices who can't afford to pay. If we lose net neutrality, the Internet will never be the same.

Want to go above and beyond? Visit your member of Congress. Meeting in person with your member of Congress is by far the most high-impact thing most people can do right now. Ever since the July 12 Day of Action, we've been helping set up Team Internet meetings with members of Congress. Click here to find a Team Internet drop-in visit, scheduled meeting, or town hall near you. If you're a local business owner who could be harmed by a loss of net neutrality rules, that's even more persuasive. Be in touch.

Want to use your Internet connection to help catch net neutrality violations? Get this app. ISPs like Verizon and Spectrum already violate net neutrality rules, but it's hard to spot. OONI, part of the Tor Project, helps catch net neutrality violations and other kinds of online censorship. Can you install the app on your phone, and set it to run daily? Visit to learn more, or download the app now! Â

What is net neutrality? Why does it matter? Watch these videos! Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon should not control what we see and do online. In 2015, startups, Internet freedom groups, and 3.7 million commenters won strong net neutrality rules from the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The rules prohibit Internet providers from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization—"fast lanes" for sites that pay, and slow lanes for everyone else. Want to learn more? Watch these videos! John Oliver Comedian. (Watch this first!) Net Neutrality A short explanation of what's at stake. The Congressional Review Act And how Congress can use it to overrule the FCC and defend net neutrality. Vimeo Why we need net neutrality Tay Zonday Singer. Actor. YouTube star. Julia Reda Member of European Parliament. Bernie Sanders Senator. Former presidential candidate. Mignon Clyburn FCC Commissioner. John Oliver, pt. 2 Hilarious and updated for 2017. Tim Wu Law professor, with Colbert at Six Flags. College Humor NSFW. Fight for the Future The Internet is under attack. This is the Battle for the Net. Burger King Yes, Burger King. An amazing explanation.

TheTurkeyChronicles on May 15th, 2018 at 10:29 UTC »

Ah, that red “URGENT” thumbnail. It’s been awhile, old friend.

anish_r on May 15th, 2018 at 10:02 UTC »

Funny how the media stopped covering this

jmabeebiz2 on May 15th, 2018 at 04:31 UTC »

Problem is, the public has no power. Politicians are going to do whatever they want and they’re going to pass this stupid thing to end net neutrality so more companies they have stock in can make more money. Trump doesn’t care about us, the government doesn’t care about us. They’re only going to do what’s good for them.