Currently Africa by Toto is winning for our graduation song and someone doesn't approve

Image from and submitted by RiverDigger
image showing Currently Africa by Toto is winning for our graduation song and someone doesn't approve

m0ondogy on May 8th, 2018 at 18:22 UTC »

I was unfortunate enough to be in school for the Vitamin C era...

SM60652 on May 8th, 2018 at 19:53 UTC »

My senior class voted on "The final countdown" but a few students threw a hissy fit and demanded to walk to the traditional graduation song. We came to an agreement that we would do both. The students that wanted the traditional song would go first then after they were done the song would fade out and the final countdown would play. It ended up being even better that way, as the first group of maybe 7 kids walked to the slow and dignified song, then a moment of silence before the final countdown faded in and the rest of our class came strutting out.

Iseemtobeinvisible on May 8th, 2018 at 20:26 UTC »

I'd pick "Africa" over "I Will Remember You" from Sarah McLachlan. Our graduation was like an ASPCA commercial on repeat except no one in my class was worth sponsoring for 25 cents a day.