After visiting her mother's gravestone, my friend decided to stay longer so she could go plot to plot and clean up the pictures of all the children she could find

Image from and submitted by Twas_Inevitable
image showing After visiting her mother's gravestone, my friend decided to stay longer so she could go plot to plot and clean up the pictures of all the children she could find

Twas_Inevitable on May 6th, 2018 at 14:42 UTC »

We were in the neighborhood of the graveyard, so she wanted to stop by to say hello to her mother and other family members in the cemetery (aunt's, uncle's, cousins). Her son liked reading all the different tombstones and found some with pictures. We got baby wipes out of the car and started cleaning off all the pictures we could find (mostly all children). Luckily, they weren't damaged beyond repair. Mostly residue from lawn mowing and what not.

It was a nice and peaceful afternoon. Her son was very appreciative of his circumstances and it was nice to read such beautiful and caring words about people.

Iluvhippos on May 6th, 2018 at 15:25 UTC »

I do this when I go to my grandmas gravestone. I clean all the veterans gravestones and if it looks like no one has been there for a while I put some flowers down.

TheDevilsAdvokaat on May 6th, 2018 at 15:50 UTC »

Someone's going to come to visit their little brother or sister or child one day and be very moved....