Anti-Abortion Billboards

Image from and submitted by Nadocomedy
image showing Anti-Abortion Billboards

TheFinalDeception on May 4th, 2018 at 15:54 UTC »

One time a buddy tried arguing some dumb ass bullshit against abortions by saying something like. "so this guy dies, and he asks god why we never got someone who could cure cancer, and god said "I gave him to you, but you aborted him"" so I responded "A Neo-Nazi died and asked the devil why we never got another Hitler, the devil said "I gave you one, but you aborted him""

Like no question my answer was some edge lord bullshit, but I still think it was the best response to his crap argument.

jinay_vora on May 4th, 2018 at 16:01 UTC »

It's Gandhi not Ghandi

RichardMorto on May 4th, 2018 at 16:15 UTC »

Yeah your kid could turn out to be Lincoln or Gandhi.

They could also end up the next Hitler or John Wayne Gacy

Worrying about the butterfly effect of infinite future possibilities is a pointless waste of energy. Do what is best for right now and those that actually exist.