Noo way dude.

Image from and submitted by sidshembekar
image showing Noo way dude.

aifhouse01 on May 2nd, 2018 at 16:39 UTC »

Dude looks like that muppet with the fish, Lou Zealand.

Edit: apparently it's Lew. Of course.

gjacques5239 on May 2nd, 2018 at 16:55 UTC »

Did you hear that Stanley is having an affair and Toby is a virgin?

redblackblueandyou on May 2nd, 2018 at 17:57 UTC »

Once, I started a rumour about myself, just as a social experiment. I only told one person at the party I was at. Ten minutes later, someone who wasn’t even there was texting me to ask if it was true. Another friend ignored me all night because I never “told her”.

Don’t mess with rumours; they spread faster than fire and you’re gonna struggle to fan them out

Edit: To clarify, the one friend I told, knew it wasn’t true. The friend “gossiped” it to others. We were in on it together. God I was a horrible person for that half hour.