Well shit

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Platy-Penguin
image showing Well shit

Matt872000 on May 3rd, 2018 at 06:38 UTC »

That's the most bullshit motivational poster slogan I've ever read. I've definitely been hiking and in a bad mood and I love hiking...

tomios010 on May 3rd, 2018 at 08:06 UTC »

I had been on a long video game hiatus when I played Skyrim for the first time. I started my first campaign in 2016. I had only owned my PS3 for a couple of years.

Well you can expect I’m not very good at games at this point. (I’m still not.) I certainly wasn’t used to what modern games had become. Skyrim was the most stunning, engaging and immersive game I had ever played.

When I first encountered the Frost Troll I marched right up to him like I was the cock of the walk - and was promptly slaughtered. I must have spent three hours over two days trying to figure out why I was so terrible at this shit. Almost gave up completely.

I feel slightly better now that I see this meme everywhere. I still suck, but at least I know the goddamn frost troll was a problem for other people too.

lazyparrot on May 3rd, 2018 at 08:22 UTC »

Said no military personnel ever.