“Rough Rider” - Theodore Roosevelt Jr.( son of the 26th U.S. President) - The only general on D-Day to land by sea with the first wave of troops. Italy, 17 January 1944

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by jecinci
image showing “Rough Rider” - Theodore Roosevelt Jr.( son of the 26th U.S. President) - The only general on D-Day to land by sea with the first wave of troops. Italy, 17 January 1944

jecinci on May 1st, 2018 at 11:55 UTC »

“Rough Rider” - Italy, 17 January 1944

Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. ( son of the 26th U.S. President) , assistant commander of the 1st Infantry Division during the invasion of Sicily (director of liaison to CEF (Canadian Expeditionary Force) ), reading his mail on his jeep (“Rough Rider”).

Theodore "Ted" Roosevelt III (September 13, 1887 – July 12, 1944) a.k.a. Theodore Roosevelt Jr.

"American government, business, and military leader. He was the eldest son of President Theodore Roosevelt and First Lady Edith Roosevelt. Roosevelt is known for his World War II service, including the directing of troops at Utah Beach during the Normandy landings, for which he received the Medal of Honor " - wikipedia

MrBKainXTR on May 1st, 2018 at 12:23 UTC »

Brigadier General Roosevelt was one of the first soldiers off his landing craft as he led the 8th Infantry Regiment and 70th Tank Battalion landing at Utah Beach. Roosevelt was soon informed that the landing craft had drifted south of their objective, and the first wave of men was a mile off course. Walking with the aid of a cane and carrying a pistol, he personally made a reconnaissance of the area immediately to the rear of the beach to locate the causeways that were to be used for the advance inland. He returned to the point of landing and contacted the commanders of the two battalions, and coordinated the attack on the enemy positions confronting them. Opting to fight from where they had landed rather than trying to move to their assigned positions, Roosevelt's famous words were, "We’ll start the war from right here!"

Magictomato69 on May 1st, 2018 at 12:24 UTC »

That’s just Jeff Goldblum.