In the Incredibles, Syndrome’s plan with the Omnidroid is similar to a syndrome called “Hero Syndrome”, where a person tries to get a recognition for an act by creating a terrible situation to solve.

Image from and submitted by YepYouRedditRight2
image showing In the Incredibles, Syndrome’s plan with the Omnidroid is similar to a syndrome called “Hero Syndrome”, where a person tries to get a recognition for an act by creating a terrible situation to solve.

donutbinge on April 29th, 2018 at 23:33 UTC »

OK, phew. The damn name never made sense to me before. That's pretty deep.

Inous on April 30th, 2018 at 02:20 UTC »

Here's an anecdote: I used to fly in Navy and one day one of our plane captains (maintainers) found a coin in one of the engine inlets. He got an award for his awareness and great job helping with the pre flight. Then a week goes by and he finds more. We get suspicious and set up a camera in the hangar. Turns out, he was the one putting the coins in the inlets so he could be the hero.

JeahNotSlice on April 30th, 2018 at 03:59 UTC »

Apparently, it is not uncommon for firefighters to start fires, for fame or Just for excitement. Ok, so pretty uncommon, but it does happen.