Gotta know the difference.

Image from and submitted by Corbinv7
image showing Gotta know the difference.

RichardMorto on April 29th, 2018 at 23:14 UTC »

97% of humanity broke as fuck. Everyone hating on peoples economic status like they aren't one car accident or illness away from being on the streets. And if you say you arent statistically you a liar and we all know it.

Steely_D on April 30th, 2018 at 00:02 UTC »

This is why you never openly broadcast or talk about how much you make. Ever. If you're broke, great. Own having no money while you grind. Be a righteous bum. Nobody will have their hands out. If you have money, act broke. Say your job is selling crayons under the bridge. The people worth having around and those you don't want will sort themselves.

Ghenges on April 30th, 2018 at 02:04 UTC »

But if you've been working hard on that mix tape for the last 10 years then you're still working hard but maybe it's time to become a welder or something.