
Image from and submitted by foundergaming
image showing hmmm

Sk8rToon on April 27th, 2018 at 07:21 UTC »

Back in the olden days you'd occasionally get square records like this. Usually off cereal boxes or the back of a coloring book. Think somewhere I still have a McDonald's one saying I'm not a winner but has the Big Mac theme song on it.

Then for a bit in the not as old but allegedly old days you'd get a CD that was super small. It'd still work fine in a tray loading player. But they stopped using those for promotional purposes since people were sticking them in slot loading players & destroying their system.

This? Makes me go hmm

llamanatee on April 27th, 2018 at 10:53 UTC »

Like the Diddy Kong Racing soundtrack?

sekazi on April 27th, 2018 at 11:22 UTC »

I heard that non circle discs are held by a patent troll so they cannot be made by anyone without the troll going after them.