Wasn’t me

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Jon_Elvert
image showing Wasn’t me

Alexanderthefail on April 21st, 2018 at 03:25 UTC »

I work for [REDACTED]. Sat on a call with a family of 5. Dad spear heading the witch hunt. 24gb data plan $15 per 1gb over. Me on the line...

Customer "which of these little bastards is it. I told them I'd take their phone till I'm paid every penny of this phone bill." Me "alright sir. Sons Line #### used 4.8gb. Daughters line #### used 7.21. Mothers line #### used 2.2. Youngest daughter's tablet line #### used .4gb of data. And sir your line #### has used 15.8gb of...... Background family screams and cheers loudly. Customer "God fucking damnit you mother fucking peice of s...line goes dead...

Big_Simba on April 21st, 2018 at 03:26 UTC »

Can you not just check the usage? Pretty sure it breaks it down by phone

coder999999999 on April 21st, 2018 at 04:05 UTC »

I've seen people turn their wifi off and eat their entire data plan in a couple days (like 20 GB of Instagram/day).

iPhones will now turn your wifi back on after a day or so automatically because of this.