I moved into an old squash court

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by reaction105
image showing I moved into an old squash court

reaction105 on April 16th, 2018 at 16:24 UTC »

Here's upstairs

It's still pretty empty. I'm not sure what to do with the second level, I want it to be a space for music and work, but still kept open and relaxed. Maybe move my computer to the right wall? Floor lamps? Couches?

Here's more pics of the place

EDIT: Here's the floorplan I made this myself using the app "magicplan" on iOS, so it's not 100% accurate but it's close

EDIT 2: Lots of comments about echo. Yeah, it's pretty lively in here. The second floor does help a lot though, and the initial plan was fiberglass acoustic panelling, furniture, heavy curtains, rugs etc. But it's all still a work in progress, and still feeling out how relaxed the rental people are about putting stuff up

Drunk_N_Depressed on April 16th, 2018 at 17:18 UTC »

One of the most unique spaces I've seen. I'm jealous

the_weather_man_ on April 16th, 2018 at 18:24 UTC »

Whats the deal with the cable hanging from the computer upstairs?