Anon is a dad

Image from and submitted by Domrandino
image showing Anon is a dad

IWAlcatraz on April 16th, 2018 at 12:52 UTC »


ParticularMission on April 16th, 2018 at 13:05 UTC »


SomeoneStopMePlease on April 16th, 2018 at 14:16 UTC »

I was awarded sole custody of my little girl in 2012. She's 7 now. Her mom has never paid child support once but fuck it. We are doing great and I'm now with a woman who is an amazing mom to my kid.

Edit: I tried to get child support started once in 2015. I called the child support office and they were really confused. They kept asking "So, you need to start PAYING child support"? I told them no, I need my ex to pay and that I am a father with custody. They put me on hold and I heard a woman say "He just trying to take his ex wife money ". I filed a complaint but nothing ever came from it. My name is Daniel. Even after all that every piece of paper work they sent me was addressed to "Danielle". They just couldn't grasp that I'm a father with custody. I finally just said fuck it.

Edit2: I was awarded sole custody while i,was active duty, facing a deployment, in the Baptist bible belt and with a female judge. I'm a fucking unicorn.