Show everyone for once that you're not just a big baby

Image from and submitted by ThaloGreen
image showing Show everyone for once that you're not just a big baby

Spiel_Foss on April 7th, 2018 at 13:15 UTC »

Trump said he would "run". Now that is hilarious.

It's only mildly amusing that a lifelong coward says shit and still shows he is a lifelong coward. But Trump running anywhere is hilarious. That old fat bastard can barely waddle.

EmuVerges on April 7th, 2018 at 13:36 UTC »

He also dodged his military obligation FIVE TIMES under totally fake medical issues. Same man call himself the "healthiest president ever", assuming he is in better physical condition now than in his 20s.

Makes me question how can he be brave enough to face danger to protect anyone.

irish91 on April 7th, 2018 at 16:36 UTC »

There's that really good NYT interview with him from years ago where he says his biggest fear is people laughing at him.

I'm not sure why that interview isn't talked about that much. He talks about taking off his ski boots and walking back to the chalet because his wife was better at him at skiing.

They also talk about how his son used to get drunk in college and injure/piss himself. Trump kicked the shit out him in front of his college friends because he pissed himself while drunk.