‘The First Purge’ Official Poster

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by impeccabletim
image showing ‘The First Purge’ Official Poster

EersteDivisie on April 6th, 2018 at 14:20 UTC »

When in doubt make it a prequel.

socialzero on April 6th, 2018 at 15:27 UTC »

Looks like Zack De La Rocha raging against some sort of "machine"

SharksFan4Lifee on April 6th, 2018 at 15:46 UTC »

This is the fourth Purge movie, right?

I wonder if this will be the first that shows a crime during the Purge Other than murder. ALL crime is legal during the Purge but through three movies, we essentially only see murder.

If this is the "First" Purge, then you would think all strategies to avoid being victims of other crimes wouldn't have been accounted for yet, so there better be more than just murder.

Edit: This review of the second Purge hits my point to a tee.


It’s entirely likely that The Purge: Anarchy was handcuffed by a very small budget kept in check to make sure that the final product would be profitable, but it’s still frustrating that a world that opens up so many horror possibilities as The Purge still hasn’t been effectively explored. While there certainly is a good amount of violence in the movie, it never gets to the point of being either shocking or overly brutal – which severely limits its overall effectiveness. What’s more, so much emphasis is put on murder that it shortchanges the fact that all crime is legal in the world of The Purge. The rules of the film really allow for all kinds of psychotic chaos, but none of it is capitalized on effectively. Given the overall message from the larger metaphor at play, this is a series that should be effectively punishing the audience for finding brutality and horror entertaining, similar to the story’s villains. but it never steps up to the plate.