
Image from and submitted by jonyoloswag
image showing meirl

username3462 on March 31st, 2018 at 23:37 UTC »

When the meme hits too close to home

cryptocasssh_LA on March 31st, 2018 at 23:53 UTC »

on the right - me just had thought about reading a textbook:)

Solsticeoftherevered on April 1st, 2018 at 02:35 UTC »

This has actually been an increasingly relevant thing that people in my circles have noticed. They’re less willing to delve into large texts that require a sustained effort. It used to be a non issue for me to follow multiple sites/journals that would publish 5 page long papers. Hell I even actually bothered to read comedic novels. Sometime after I popped my social media cherry with reddit that shit stopped. It’s legitimately a significant hurdle for me to read a whole New York Times article if there’s no real tangible goal to it(a paper I have to write). The time I spent going through actually putting a sustained effort into articles has gone to reading Reddit comments...

Holy shit writing this I realized I need to chill with reddit for a good bit. Should actually read a book...