A monument of children murdured by Nazis in 1942 massacre of Lidice, Czech Republic. 88 children lost their lives, each statue represents one of them

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by zombie0zombie
image showing A monument of children murdured by Nazis in 1942 massacre of Lidice, Czech Republic. 88 children lost their lives, each statue represents one of them

listlessatsea87 on March 31st, 2018 at 10:18 UTC »

Wow that's lovely and very powerful image, thanks for sharing

Ddesh on March 31st, 2018 at 10:41 UTC »

What a powerful (but chilling) way to personalize war for the generations now who have been lucky enough to not have had to experience it and to warn against pursuing it.

kristynaZ on March 31st, 2018 at 10:49 UTC »

All the men of Lidice were killed as well. All women above 16 were send to concentration camps. A several children below 16 were send to German families, the rest were gassed. It was done in a retaliation for the assasination of the third highest ranked Nazi Reinhard Heydrich, who was also in charge of the Protektorat. He was nicknamed the Butcher of Prague.

EDIT: Some people pointed out that Heydrich might not have been that high in the Nazi hierarchy. So let's just say that he was among the high-ranking Nazis, perhaps not exactly the 3rd, but he was surelly an important figure in the Nazi ruling elites.