Explaining Alzheimer’s

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by CompasslessPigeon
image showing Explaining Alzheimer’s

LadyGlitter-Sparkles on March 31st, 2018 at 00:14 UTC »

This made me teary. I'll have to have this explanation soon with my kids, and this is a great way to put it 😪

doctor_why on March 31st, 2018 at 03:07 UTC »

My grandfather died of Alzheimer's. Towards the end, he couldn't even remember that his wife had died. He kept going to the police station to report her missing.

I visited him a few months before he passed. It was evident he had no idea who I was. I left thinking he would never remember me.

After he died, I found a portrait of me on his nightstand. I've never cried so hard.

balderdashone on March 31st, 2018 at 03:18 UTC »

I’ll never forget when Alzheimer’s really set in. I went to my grandmas with my mom. She was helping her move her stuff to an Assisted Living home. I was standing in the hallway and my grandma turned around and asked my mom, “you can tell your friend to come in.” I had to do my best to not get emotional. She used to call me Sunny because I was her ray of sunshine. She died last year.