When I was two I gave my Dad a stuffed beluga whale to keep in his work bag so that if he ever missed me he could hold it and think of me. 18 years later, my Dad has just informed me he still brings my beluga whale to work with him every day.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by yung_holmie
image showing When I was two I gave my Dad a stuffed beluga whale to keep in his work bag so that if he ever missed me he could hold it and think of me. 18 years later, my Dad has just informed me he still brings my beluga whale to work with him every day.

homepup on March 27th, 2018 at 04:15 UTC »

When my oldest son was around 2-3 years old he got a tiny plastic toy helicopter from the prize box at the dentist. When I arrived home that day, he gave it to me to play with when I was at work since I worked very long hours at that particular job.

That was three jobs ago and the helicopter still sits on the top of my monitor. He graduates from college in a few weeks.

And yes, I still do give it a spin and make the whirly-bird sounds from time-to-time while waiting on something to process/compile.

EllyNeko on March 27th, 2018 at 04:26 UTC »

A few years ago, when I was a young teen, I read a story about a kid who gave his father stuffed animals whenever the dad went away on long flights. That year, my dad had just gotten a job that required lots of travel. Some months he would often be away for weeks at a time. I, boasting a small mountain of beanie babies, hesitantly asked him the night before his next flight if he'd like to take Wolfy along with him -- and he enthusiastically agreed!

At the time, I was worried I was too old to be doing something so cutesy for my dad, but it turned into a tradition that we still carry on, a dozen years later. Occasionally, for longer trips, he'll post little montages of the beanie baby du jour in front of famous buildings or beautiful scenary. It's getting to the point where my little stuffed animals have seen more of the world than me, but seeing my dad's smiles and 'good night' pictures with them are definitely my favorite sight.

leftyhyzer16 on March 27th, 2018 at 04:29 UTC »

My 4 year old son was worried I wouldn’t have any toys to play with at work so he gave me one of his toy trucks to take to the office. You can bet that toy truck will follow me to every office I go to for the rest of my career. You can’t replace memories like that.