Polish priest wishes Pope early death over call for Catholics to take in Muslim refugees

Authored by telegraph.co.uk and submitted by esporx
image for Polish priest wishes Pope early death over call for Catholics to take in Muslim refugees

A Polish priest has been called to account for his actions after wishing an early death on Pope Francis.

Father Edward Staniek, a parish priest in the southern city of Krakow, had apparently been angered by the pope’s call for Catholics to take in Muslim refugees because it was their Christian duty.

In a sermon delivered last month Father Staniek said: “I pray for the Pope in his wisdom to open his heart to the Holy Spirit, but if he does not, I pray for his quick departure to his Father’s house. I can always ask God for a happy death for him because a happy death is a great grace.”

Later in the sermon he said there is “no dialogue” with Muslims, and that the “doors to the diocese and parish are open only to believers in Jesus Christ.”

After details of the sermon became widespread, the priest was called to see Archbishop of Krakow Marek Jedraszewski. Although the archbishop said he had heard the news about the priest’s comments about Pope Francis with “great pain and regret” it remains unclear whether Father Staniek faces any punishment or sanction.

The pope’s call for Catholic’s to demonstrate charity towards Muslim refugees has struggled to make headway in Poland, and Central Europe as a whole.

Shamic on March 20th, 2018 at 13:12 UTC »

“I pray for the Pope in his wisdom to open his heart to the Holy Spirit, but if he does not, I pray for his quick departure to his Father’s house. I can always ask God for a happy death for him because a happy death is a great grace.”

I mean you gotta hand it to him, it's a pretty nice way of saying "I wish you were dead".

TJ_McWeaksauce on March 20th, 2018 at 13:07 UTC »

Reportedly, there are many within the Vatican who eagerly await Pope Francis' death.

But within the church, Francis has provoked a ferocious backlash from conservatives who fear that this spirit will divide the church, and could even shatter it. This summer, one prominent English priest said to me: “We can’t wait for him to die. It’s unprintable what we say in private. Whenever two priests meet, they talk about how awful Bergoglio is … he’s like Caligula: if he had a horse, he’d make him cardinal.”

Of course, after 10 minutes of fluent complaint, he added: “You mustn’t print any of this, or I’ll be sacked.”

Ironically, the folks in charge of the Catholic Church aren't a particularly forgiving bunch.

Edit: Whoops! Forgot the link to the article where I got that quote.

aswerty12 on March 20th, 2018 at 05:52 UTC »

Spoken with true love for his fellow man.