
Image from and submitted by KioboiOO
image showing Toomeirlformeirl

Helholt on March 18th, 2018 at 16:33 UTC »

This reminds me of this one time in my childhood, where everyone in my class had to bring something for everyone to eat. My mom baked a cake she knew I loved, but nobody in my class touched it, and it made me so sad to bring back home the cake, that my mom had put time into baking.

Santeyan on March 18th, 2018 at 16:50 UTC »

Who the fuck would leave banana bread untouched, I could eat 3 of those in a row

ProfessorChaos_ on March 18th, 2018 at 17:20 UTC »

When I was in high school, our Spanish class had to present a traditional recipe from anywhere that speaks Spanish. Extra points were awarded to those who actually brought in the food to try.

I have an uncle who's from El Salvador, so I chose frijoles fritos (beans) and my aunt made the recipe with me. I brought it, gave a flawless prevention and absolutely nobody wanted to try my frijoles. One person did and then made a big deal about how weird and gross it was, which she barely even tried them.

Those beans are freaking delicious and they all missed out.