How the Original Bullitt-Movie Mustang Was Rediscovered

Authored by and submitted by nO0b
image for How the Original Bullitt-Movie Mustang Was Rediscovered

Connections begat connections. Marti had discovered that—amazingly—Kiernan didn’t have any insurance on the Bullitt. Says Marti, “Sean’s such a nice guy that he thinks no one would ever steal the car.” He adds, “I don’t get into appraising cars for their value,” but it was clear that this was one very valuable Mustang. So Marti connected Kiernan with McKeel Hagerty, head of the vintage-car insurance company Hagerty Insurance. A value was set for the car. Although no one’s saying what that is, it’s easily worth millions. “I’m not a wealthy man,” says Kiernan, “but I bought as much insurance as I could afford.” Hagerty has its own car magazine, an impressive tome that it sends to its customers. It jumped on the story early enough to have copies at the Detroit-show reveal.

Michelanvalo on March 18th, 2018 at 15:04 UTC »

Here's The Reveal Video from Detroit Auto Show this year mentioned in the article. Not the highest quality since it was taken from the livestream and reuploaded to YouTube.

karldmason on March 18th, 2018 at 13:14 UTC »

Only scanned that title and thought the bit about the random mentioning to a dude was part of this screenplay, just serves as a reminder that real life is often much stranger than books and movies!

ive_lost_my_keys on March 18th, 2018 at 13:07 UTC »

Wow, good Sunday morning read and an incredible story. Thanks for sharing this.

Edit cause I wanted to make sure I wasn't thanking a bot and wow...ten year club, looks like they haven't done anything in here in two years, and this one comment I have has more karma than the entire account. That's wholesome redditing right there, op.