Being stuck behind this for miles...

Image from and submitted by quick711
image showing Being stuck behind this for miles...

coder999999999 on March 10th, 2018 at 01:48 UTC »

"It's okay it only takes 14 minutes to pass at that rate."

whoatethelastchip on March 10th, 2018 at 01:51 UTC »

I believe the Germans call this elephant race. "Elefantenrennen"

AlmightyApkallu on March 10th, 2018 at 03:28 UTC »

Ex-Trucker here! Schneider is usually capped at 65 for company trucks and 69 for owner operators. When I drove I never tried to pass another semi unless I had at least 5mph on him, otherwise I'd just slow the fuck down. Yes, that 5mph can make a big difference in when I got home or where I made it but eventually you get your chance and it's not SO big that it's okay to be a dick and fuck the entire highway for 10 minutes.

The biggest problems are hills.... Yay, I can go 70 and you can only go 65! Time to p-... Oh shit, we're both going 65... Oh shit, I'm now going 60... Oh shit, all these cars hate me now... FML!

Yep, frustrating times it was. Fun fact, these trucks can easily go over 100mph and have mountains of torque, their RPM and top speed are both governed by the companies. I've had a couple ungoverned trucks and blew peoples minds when I went past them doing 85~90 (In Texas mind you).