I hope I don’t crash my car while I change the radio

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by adimj23
image showing I hope I don’t crash my car while I change the radio

Millerboycls09 on March 3rd, 2018 at 03:21 UTC »

I would hope that the car has some program that keeps that digital knob from doing anything if the car is doing like >5 mph

springering on March 3rd, 2018 at 03:29 UTC »

And to actually change the radio, you need to take your eyes off the road to use the touch screen. I hate that setup.

ETA: I know about the buttons on the steering wheel. My car has those, too. I’m sure if my own car had a touch screen I would adapt to it fine. But when I drop my dad off at the airport and his car has a touch screen and all his presets are set to talk radio stations and I can’t change anything without taking my eyes off the road to fiddle with the touch screen, yeah, I find that annoying.

Murvel88 on March 3rd, 2018 at 10:35 UTC »

What's the rationale behind banning texting while driving, but allowing touch screens on infotainment systems? Touch screens provide no tactile feedback meaning you have to take your eyes of the road to do anything. Knobs and buttons of different sizes, shapes, and textures can be identified and operated without taking your eyes of the road.