Mods. Please let his name stay. He is a public official that needs to be held accountable! This is extortion and this guy is a nut.

Image from and submitted by happyman91
image showing Mods. Please let his name stay. He is a public official that needs to be held accountable! This is extortion and this guy is a nut.

karlsparx on February 28th, 2018 at 17:51 UTC »

Isn't this guy also running for governor?

nels5104 on February 28th, 2018 at 18:46 UTC »

Tweeting really has allowed people to speak before thinking.

FxHVivious on February 28th, 2018 at 18:58 UTC »

Technically they didn’t attack the NRA (and by extension conservatives) at all. They simply stopped providing them with preferential treatment.

Edit: I commented this down below but I’m going to add it here because I think it sums up the discussion perfectly.

“To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.”

Said by someone more eloquent then me.

Edit 2: u/KatieMcKatersons pointed out that the quote is attributed to Clay Shirky. Thanks Katie.

Edit 3: Because I’m sick of people misunderstanding what I was saying, I am going to clarify. I was not commenting on the validity of threatening to pull tax benefits. I was commenting on the mindset that gave rise to the original tweet. I am also not saying this counts as blackmail or extortion.