President Truman, wearing a shirt that reads 'Coach Truman, Athletic Department', leads exercises on the deck of the USS Missouri on his return trip to Washington from Brazil, 1947. [1260 x 990]

Image from and submitted by wineddinedand69ed
image showing President Truman, wearing a shirt that reads 'Coach Truman, Athletic Department', leads exercises on the deck of the USS Missouri on his return trip to Washington from Brazil, 1947. [1260 x 990]

deescankles on February 28th, 2018 at 14:21 UTC »

Seems like a good candidate for photoshop battle.

DrStickyPete on February 28th, 2018 at 15:08 UTC »

air Force one is pretty cool, but it has nothing on the USS Missouri

yosoyreddito on February 28th, 2018 at 16:48 UTC »

Truman is from Missouri and was a Senator at the time the USS Missouri was commissioned. His daughter Miss Margaret Truman was the sponsor of the ship.

A sponsor, in the U.S. Navy, is the title given to a prominent citizen chosen to christen a naval vessel. In recent history, all U. S. Navy ship sponsors have been female. In addition to the ceremonial breaking of a champagne bottle on the bow, the sponsor remains in contact with the ship’s crew and is involved in special events throughout the life of the ship.