Having a job is super tough when you're as smart as I am

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Scaffold-Kane
image showing Having a job is super tough when you're as smart as I am

Vorenvs on February 20th, 2018 at 16:51 UTC »

The answer is a resounding YES. Ask for a meeting with your manager and break the news to him while he's sitting. Ask if your company can grant an accommodation for your condition, and make sure he's not feeling insecure about what he's hearing. Ask him this directly.

In these circumstances, I'd also recommend getting to his office first and sitting in his chair while breaking the news. Have him sit where staff normally would. You are the smarter one, after all. Explain that to him.

WabbaWay on February 20th, 2018 at 17:08 UTC »

Alright, wild guess here: He's in his early twenties, probably has a knack for programming and an ego with a noticable gravitational field. He has taken the whole "lazy programmers are best programmers"-thing to heart and finishes his projects in record speed... but with shitty bug-prone code and no comments or structure, so nobody else on the team can work with his shit. And he's to self-centered and inexperienced to realise why his boss is annoyed.

Source: Has worked with and for hamfisted idiots who think they're gods of programming because they don't need more than a day to finish a project that needs to take 2 weeks.fuckyouthomasyoudumbpieceofshit

kyleperik on February 20th, 2018 at 17:14 UTC »

Every programmer thinks of solutions when they're not on their desk. Does anyone not do this?