My college doesn't want us to make popcorn in their shitty microwaves

Image from and submitted by Pupperochini
image showing My college doesn't want us to make popcorn in their shitty microwaves

tetrasodium on February 20th, 2018 at 00:17 UTC »

Someone probably put it there after popcorn was burned one too many times

heybuddy93 on February 20th, 2018 at 00:44 UTC »

I used to work at a place that banned popcorn. It's because people set off the fire alarms constantly because they don't pay attention, and doing a full evacuation every other day is a huge hassle.

Ra_7 on February 20th, 2018 at 02:33 UTC »

...remember in college when the entire dorm fire alarm would just blare and flash and everyone had to evacuate and stand in the freezing cold until the fire department got there... to just find out later that someone burnt popcorn in the dorm microwave.