Japanese notion of Ikigai

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by howdosemicolonswork
image showing Japanese notion of Ikigai

TenTails on February 19th, 2018 at 23:54 UTC »

I can't think of a single thing that would fit in that middle one

harofax on February 20th, 2018 at 01:58 UTC »

I remember seeing this a while ago and thinking "AWESOME" but then I read a comment that changed my view on it and it was about how it centers your entire reason for being around a job, around earning money for other people. This is like a diagram for making yourself unhappy by seeking perfection.

The chance that the average person will have a passion for a job they are good at and the world needs as well as being well paid is unlikely. Trying to get all those things could easily make a person depressed. Settling for three or just two might be nice for a short time but kinda grinding / stressful in the long run.

For some people just getting paid is enough, and when they're not they go out and live their actual life. This whole thing is very Japanese like work is life kinda deal.

If you like your job and it's all ikigai and shit that's fine but you shouldn't look around for your reason to exist there, you won't lose your reason to exist if you get fired ya kno.

SunnyAslan on February 20th, 2018 at 02:47 UTC »

"One thing you do not do... Model your life after what Japanese people live by.

...unless you want to kill yourself." A random Japanese guy who grew up seeing people tumbling off the subway platform to kill themselves because they lost fucking ikigai. Don't seek calidation from the world, find it in yourself.

- /u/PierreCoffinChris (since deleted) last time I saw this. I remembered since it resonated with me so deeply.