[ART] My wizard was killed by a crit from Wyverns. The DM let me use one cantrip as they dragged me into the sky, so I cast message on my best friend.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by KingClut
image showing [ART] My wizard was killed by a crit from Wyverns. The DM let me use one cantrip as they dragged me into the sky, so I cast message on my best friend.

KingClut on February 19th, 2018 at 20:06 UTC »

For a little background, this was our party of very high level characters who all got roped into something we had no stake in. We’d played for so long, and two of us were a pair of elegant, pompous wizards who had traveled together like sassy brothers.

Pretty early in the game we lost a lot of team members because of a big fuck up on my character’s part. While nobody blamed him, it forever warped him— making him feel responsible for the lives of everyone there.

This fight was the end for us. We had finally arrived to destroy our arch nemesis. It was going to be a badass fight that would take every last ounce of effort. But then the crit was rolled. It was round one, and the massive damage rule obliterated me. The only thing I could think to do was drop my spellbook, and cast one more cantrip.

EDIT: Some people have asked "Did you win?"

Yes, but at a cost. The boss was holding an item powerful enough to level the city. Our bard was disintegrated as a demonstration of its power, only a minute or so after I died. They fought incredibly hard but she decided to activate the item and kill herself rather than let us live. The city fell in a massive explosion.

Each of us met as spirits in the afterlife. Our team was led by this goddess of moonlight, and she gave each of us an immortal rest as divine champions-- demi-gods if the world should ever need us again.

My friend, the other wizard, refused the gift and begged to go back.

He had to make sure that the world would remember us.

za1545707 on February 19th, 2018 at 21:13 UTC »

Damn. Reminds me of my Paladin. We were escorting a bratty prince to his uncle after his father was destroyed in battle. His uncle turned on us and we were on the run. The bratty prince turned into a fierce squire of mine during this time, even dedicating himself to the way. During a brutal fight with a Beholder, the rogue was about to be desintegrated. I asked the DM for a free action. It was granted and I said for my squire "remember this..." as I stepped in front of the rogue. I epically failed my saving throw and the paladin was no more.

The group eventually made their way to allies of the prince / Knight and retook the lands by the end of the campaign. The squire, now a Paladin King, went on to create an Authurian type kingdom of Justice and Equality. The greatest compliment in the end was the King building a simple shrine to my Paladin in the location that I perished. This shrine would be have an eternal flame and become a popular pilgrimage for future knights of the order. One of those pilgrims would be the young paladin I played in the next campaign.

That campaign is 25 years old.

NOWiEATthem on February 19th, 2018 at 21:52 UTC »

Reminds me of the old story about the party who tosses their reluctant rogue down a pit to check for traps. Taking him aside, the DM tells the rogue that he sees a sphere of annihilation at the bottom, and he has only enough time to shout two syllables before he falls into it. The rogue shouts, "All clear!"