"Yes sorry I dont know who this lady is"

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Lucas_02
image showing "Yes sorry I dont know who this lady is"

crowscountingspades on February 14th, 2018 at 17:41 UTC »

You don't have to be a teenager to experience this angst.

59 here. But I have a wife who believes it's okay to argue with retail staff about any issue there might be, like confusing signage (making it look like 'this is a sale item' when it isn't) or whether her coupon should be valid or whatever.

She gets so agitated.

I keep telling her: THIS person is just following the rules; they're just doing their job. If you want to complain, ask to see a store manager but leave the poor worker bee alone -- they can't help you!!!

And now that we're on this...I just remembered, my MOTHER is the same way (and now it's all coming back to me...so many times growing up I wanted her to just shut her trap but instead, she berates the waitress, clerk or other service worker. So embarrassing. So aggravating -- and there's no reasoning with her.)

And now...oh my god...the realization sets in...did I MARRY MY MOTHER?

elena1099 on February 14th, 2018 at 19:07 UTC »

I hate this so much I want to cry

Ubahootah on February 14th, 2018 at 21:31 UTC »

God, my mother gets upset whenever I call her out for it.

I work in retail, mom, I know when you're being difficult. Don't yell at customer service, that makes them want to help you less.