Where is Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster with Starman?

Authored by whereisroadster.com and submitted by Daemonshmike
image for Where is Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster with Starman?

Where is Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster with Starman?

On February 6th, 2018, at 2045 UTC, the first Falcon Heavy was launched in to space. It contained a very special payload, a Tesla Roadster with Starman.

But where is this vehicle? The current location is LOADING miles (LOADING km, LOADING AU) from Earth, moving toward Earth at a speed of LOADING miles/hour (LOADING km/hour, LOADING km/s).

The car is LOADING miles (LOADING km, LOADING AU) from Mars, moving toward the planet at a speed of LOADING miles/hour (LOADING km/hour, LOADING km/s).

The car exceeded its 36,000 mile warranty LOADING times while driving around the Sun, (LOADING miles, LOADING km, LOADING AU), moving at a speed of LOADING miles/hour (LOADING km/hour, LOADING km/s).

Andromeda321 on February 14th, 2018 at 14:11 UTC »

Astronomer here! A paper just came out doing simulations of the Tesla just like astronomers do for any asteroid in the solar system. Turns out the next close encounter with Earth is 2091, it has a 6% chance of impacting Earth in the next million years, and overall is expected to have a lifetime of about 20 million years before something hits it.

The more you know!

caticora on February 14th, 2018 at 14:00 UTC »

"The car exceeded its 36,000 mile warranty 275.1 times while driving around the Sun,"

uuxxaa on February 14th, 2018 at 13:22 UTC »

That landing site does not really show the orbits in action, try this one on the same website for interative version of it
