When they say "continental", they must mean a continent without food

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by mattreyu
image showing When they say "continental", they must mean a continent without food

agha0013 on February 12nd, 2018 at 15:40 UTC »

"Warm breakfast" is a cold tray full of powdered eggs that were cooked in a microwave, and a pancake robot.

"Continental Breakfast" is pretty much a muffin and some toast, jam costs extra

"Free breakfast" yeah, bowl of mixed fruit at the front desk.

Mistake-Not on February 12nd, 2018 at 15:52 UTC »

I know we're here for the memes, but those hands are exquisitely painted.

Alantuktuk on February 12nd, 2018 at 16:42 UTC »

Anyone else think that painting is pretty dope? Look at that textured fabric-looks like a real blanket! Also, pretty baller composition: Let's just have you palming this contrasty orange and in your other hand, without anyone noticing, we will sneak in a baby parrot-like a magic trick.