
Image from and submitted by El_Jaune
image showing MešŸŒirl

ItsSobee on February 13rd, 2018 at 01:28 UTC »

Classic slipping on a banana peel and into a crowbar to death, coulda happened to any of us

100789 on February 13rd, 2018 at 05:40 UTC »

Couldnā€™t argue with a banana peel by his feet.

The_mighty_sandusky on February 13rd, 2018 at 08:58 UTC »

Reminds me of an old joke I read when I had dial up internet, haven't thought of it in years.

Three men are sitting outside a room at the CIA HQ waiting for their final test to make them official agents. The instructor walks up to the first guy and says, "Your wife is in the next room, in order to show your loyalty, I need you to shoot her in the head." The first man looks at him but says he loves his wife more than anything in the world and he would never kill her. He is promptly excused.

The instructor turns to the second man and tells him his wife has been let in to the next room. He holds out the gun and begrudgingly the second man takes it and walks into the room. Three minutes pass and the second man walks out of the room and tells the instructor that he could not bring himself to do it. He is released immediately.

Finally, the instructor turns to the third man and hands him the gun. He goes into the room and 6 shots ring out followed by screaming. The instructor bursts through the door and sees the man standing above his dead wife. The instructor yells, "What the hell happened?" The third guy looks at him and says, "Some idiot filled the gun with blanks so I beat her to death with the curtain railing."