Sharks Vs Humans – Who Really Kills Who?

Authored by and submitted by Dave60832
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How many people are killed by sharks each year? 100,000? 10,000? 1,000? 100? 10? As you can see above, it’s much lower. Only 7 people in the entire world were killed by sharks in 2014.

Yet, how many sharks were killed by people?

A mind-boggling large number it turns out – at least 63 million and possibly as high as 273 million – annually! That’s a between a little over the population of the UK to a little over the population of Indonesia.

Or put another way, even only going with the low estimate of 63 million, it would take sharks 9 million years to kill as many humans as humans kill sharks each year. And modern humans have been around for no more than 2 million years.

Here are 5 animals more likely to kill you than sharks:

Cows kill 20 people per year just in the United States. Dogs kill around 30 people per year in the US. Ants kill up to 50 people each year in Africa. Hippos kill around 2,900 people in Africa. Mosquitoes kill up to 820,000 people per year (800,000 from Malaria and a further 20,000 from Dengue) around the world. This makes them about 117,000X more deadly than sharks. Think about the next time you get bitten.

Why are so many sharks killed each year?

Up to 73 million sharks are killed each year just for their fins to make shark fin soup, a delicacy in China.

However, Ex-NBA Star Yao Ming is leading a campaign in China to ban shark fin soup. So far it seems to be working with a reported 91% of people in China now favouring the ban.

Remaining sharks are mostly killed either as a by product of other commercial fishing activity or for tourism related reasons (jewellery, souvenirs and keeping beaches shark-free so people feel like swimming).

If you’re the unlikely victim of a shark attack you can report it on global Shark Attack File Incident Log. If you’re a shark and the likely victim of a human attack, I’m afraid there’s no website for you.

Want to learn more about sharks? The following books may be of interest:

Want to help protect sharks? Then the following campaigns may be of interest:

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JesC on February 10th, 2018 at 19:52 UTC »

I wonder how the numbers look like on chicken vs human scale

Iamjesus147 on February 10th, 2018 at 19:35 UTC »

that's quite the K/D ratio

tre3211 on February 10th, 2018 at 16:53 UTC »

If Sharks had their own version of the Discovery channel then I'm sure it'd have a "Human Week".