Utah mom upset after school tells 6th graders they can’t say no when asked to dance

Authored by fox13now.com and submitted by keypuncher

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WEST HAVEN, Utah -- When Natalie Richard’s sixth-grade daughter told her she couldn’t say “no” if a boy asked her to dance at Kanesville Elementary’s Valentine’s Day dance, she didn’t believe it at first.

“Oh no, no honey," Richard said of her reply. "You guys are misunderstanding again. That’s not how it is."

However, after speaking to her daughter’s teacher, she realized the statement was accurate.

“The teacher said she can’t. She has to say yes. She has to accept and I said, 'Excuse me,” Richard tells Fox 13.

Richard took her concerns to the school principal.

“He basically just said they’ve had this dance set up this way for a long time and they’ve never had any concern before,” she said of his response.

Lane Findlay with the Weber School District confirms it’s a rule, but he said it’s meant to teach students how to be inclusive.

“Please be respectful, be polite," Findlay said. "We want to promote kindness, and so we want you to say yes when someone asks you to dance."

“I do see it from their perspective when it comes to that, but there are many other ways to teach children how to be accepting than with a social dance,” Richard counters.

Richard says forcing students not to say no teaches them the wrong lesson.

“Sends a bad message to girls that girls have to say 'yes'; sends a bad message to boys that girls can’t say 'no,'" Richard said.

Prior to the dance, which is voluntary, students are told to fill out a card by selecting five people they want to dance with. The administration says if there’s someone on the card you feel uncomfortable with, the student is encouraged to speak up.

“If there is an issue, if there’s students that are uncomfortable or have a problem with another student, I mean: that’s certainly something that can be addressed with that student and parents,” Findlay said.

However, Richard says rejection is part of life and at the end of the day, this policy is sending impressionable children the wrong message.

“Psychologically, my daughter keeps coming to me and saying I can’t say 'no' to a boy," she said. "That’s the message kids are getting."

One of the concerns that Richard addressed with the principal at Kanesville Elementary is that parents weren’t aware of this policy. She recommended he send out a permission slip, detailing the instructions given to students, and he agreed. As of now, the rule remains in place.

Alarmed_Ferret on February 10th, 2018 at 03:31 UTC »

"We would really like to open ourselves up to lawsuits and a sort of general sense of hate from our students and PTA. Any ideas?"

"What if we were to brand the children in some way?"

"No, no. We don't want a fire hazard in our schools. What if we forced kids to say yes to something socially and physically awkward?"

"Like kissing?"

"Ehh, I like the direction, but it needs work."

"Sarah Daniels wouldn't dance with me in middle school. What if we made it so that didn't happen again?"

"God dammit Johnson, that's genius!"

Seriously, do people TRY to get sued now? Is that good publicity or something?

IBiteYou on February 10th, 2018 at 02:54 UTC »

Prior to the dance, which is voluntary, students are told to fill out a card by selecting five people they want to dance with. The administration says if there’s someone on the card you feel uncomfortable with, the student is encouraged to speak up.

What the hell? So it's a tribunal? "I don't really WANT to dance with Fred because he never washes his hair and it smells like when oil gets rancid...or a pig's butthole."

"I'd rather not dance with Terrance because he's constantly on the playground commenting that I'm "getting boobs" and it comes off as creepy to me."

How about just let the kids have a dance without adults worrying about it?


If they are like we were they will mostly stand against the walls and sometimes maybe make small talk and a few will dance and then when a GOOD song comes on, everyone will go on the dance floor and just flail around cluelessly with each other.

JimGerm on February 10th, 2018 at 01:43 UTC »

Hell this makes ME upset, and I don't even have kids.