You’ll fucking pay him for it n all

Image from and submitted by fuckin_wayshegoes
image showing You’ll fucking pay him for it n all

dembethewarrior on February 9th, 2018 at 05:09 UTC »

My mate is awkward like this.

Sits in the same chair with the same barber who always gets his cut wrong, walk a up the pub and complains to us then over a pint.

Literally just has to go to a different barber if he's that socially awkward, I understand not telling the guy to an extent..but surely you go somewhere else 😂

thracianii on February 9th, 2018 at 08:12 UTC »

I went to a barbers in Wales when visiting a friend and as he was using the clippers on the side of my head he took off the outside 1/3 of my eyebrow. Maybe he noticed, maybe he didn't. I didn't say a word, just sat there in disbelief and awkwardness. When he was done I wanted to get out of there ASAP so it was £9 and I gave him £10 and said keep the change.

I gave a tip to the man who accidentally shaved off my eyebrow!

Cleanstream on February 9th, 2018 at 09:25 UTC »

My barber goes to the same gym as me so now I can never switch barber.