I need somewhere to set this candle....oh here’s a good spot!

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by kjb0419
image showing I need somewhere to set this candle....oh here’s a good spot!

ClassyEmu on February 4th, 2018 at 17:20 UTC »

Welcome back, Cave Johnson here, today we've developed a new testing gel. Now it has been known to easily phase change under normal temperature variations - and might be highly radioactive - but don't worry, just follow these 3 steps. Don't touch it while it's a solid. Don't touch it while it's a liquid. In fact, don't touch it at all unless you don't mind a little cancerous growth here and there. Good luck!

Gobrosse on February 4th, 2018 at 17:35 UTC »

flip it and turn it on, ez fix

Bongmyfart on February 4th, 2018 at 18:24 UTC »

In high school my buddy had a party at his house when his parents were out of town.

His mom had a large decorative candle on the coffee table and someone lit it and ashed empty weed bowls into it.

When he realized, the candle had been burning for some time. To hide the evidence he poured the wax down the sink - when I saw this I asked him what happens to wax when it cools.

Well he found out when the sink clogged. He then panicked further and went to the backyard and tossed the candle into his neighbors yard...

It was the first thing his mom realized was missing when they came home