Paul Ryan tries to tout a 1.50 a week raise, gets shut down hard.

Image from and submitted by PrettyTarable
image showing Paul Ryan tries to tout a 1.50 a week raise, gets shut down hard.

Mutt1223 on February 3rd, 2018 at 23:34 UTC »

I wish politicians would just tell us their price. Some congressmen were bought off by ISPs for 30 grand. I guarantee you 30k people would donate a dollar to not have Comcast fuck them over. And they wouldn't even have to compromise on the big things like guns and abortion, just give a price and we'll pay it.

EpsilonTheGreat on February 4th, 2018 at 00:04 UTC »

I mean he really set himself up there. How disconnected do you have to be to think a $1.50/week raise is a significant enough achievement about which to brag?

Reminds me of a certain Bluth matriarch and her level of disconnect with reality...

here_for_the_lols on February 4th, 2018 at 01:21 UTC »

$1.50 a week WTF that's not even a raise, that's just finding a coin on the street every once in a while.