Untouched 1800's Cemetery preserved in the basement of a tall building built over it.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by HierEncore
image showing Untouched 1800's Cemetery preserved in the basement of a tall building built over it.

Kindofsickofyou on January 31st, 2018 at 23:54 UTC »

Looks like the early stages of a terrible restaurant idea.

zuriel2089 on January 31st, 2018 at 23:59 UTC »

Imagine trying to figure out where to put the pillars.

malpa2 on February 1st, 2018 at 05:39 UTC »

This can be found in New Haven, CT under the Center Church on the Green! The cemetery was part of a larger outdoor graveyard on the New Haven Green, which, back in the old days, was the center of town. Eventually, the church was built over a segment of the cemetery. The gravestones in the rest of the cemetery where later moved to the nearby Grove Street Cemetery, though the ones in the church basement stayed preserved. Interestingly, only the gravestones were moved, not the bodies. Hurricane Sandy unearthed a colonial skeleton on the Green back in 2012.

Anyone who has the chance to see this should go! The tours are free and the gravestones are a cool piece of colonial history. Some gravestones go as far back as 1687, almost a century before the United States was founded. Also, Benedict Arnold's first wife is buried there.