You can fit 60 grams of sugar into a 50 gram gummy bear

Image from and submitted by Anthrax89
image showing You can fit 60 grams of sugar into a 50 gram gummy bear

NoClueDad on January 26th, 2018 at 20:57 UTC »

I was mailing some papers and asked the postal clerk if it would be cheaper to use a standard #10 envelope instead of a larger 9 x 12 manila envelope. I told her it was ok to fold the papers in order to fit in the smaller envelope. She said that if I folded them they would weigh more so it would likely cost more. I smiled because I thought she was pulling my leg. She wasn't. I had to walk her through a brief, but enlightening weighing experiment.

The_Crimson_Fvcker on January 26th, 2018 at 21:06 UTC »

Reminds me when half my Rowing team in HS spent half an hour trying to convince this kid that he's 6 feet tall. He was convinced that he was only 5'12" and still had another inch to go.

the-mbo on January 27th, 2018 at 00:42 UTC »

Maybe you get 60 grams of sugar in a 50 gram gummyworm.rar