Rooftop cozy

Image from and submitted by thorface
image showing Rooftop cozy

LaughingHeart314 on January 26th, 2018 at 06:04 UTC »

I've always enjoyed walking through neighborhoods when it's dark, but not too late, and seeing homes lit up on the inside. They don't have to be spectacular homes, and in fact it's usually the humbler-looking homes that look cozier.

TheYearOfThe_Rat on January 26th, 2018 at 09:42 UTC »

It is a painting, however houses such as these are aplenty in Paris, and one can have a similar view if one lives on the backside of the Butte Montmartre, the north side of Butte Montsouris, on top of the Butte Chaumont parc (though in that case you'd live in a bland 70ies building most probably) and near Passy.

whit3lightning on January 26th, 2018 at 09:45 UTC »

Reminds me of Alfredo Linguini’s pad in Ratatouille!