Someone gets it

Image from and submitted by bollister
image showing Someone gets it

KnuckleUpBuds on January 23rd, 2018 at 06:02 UTC »

Have you ever peeked inside the schools that rich kids go to? It's like an entirely different world.

edit: people keep pointing out that only a few graduates attend ivy league schools. Doesn't that make sense though? Those ivy league schools are not just drawing from THESE schools, but every school in the country, if I'm not mistaken. Can't anybody apply to the ivy league if their grades and accomplishments shine bright enough?

ameoba on January 23rd, 2018 at 06:33 UTC »

For bilingual families, speaking more than one language is just a necessity and a fact of life but I really doubt this little girl is bilingual because her parents aren't speaking English around her. For most middle-class families, teaching a child multiple languages is a ridiculous luxury.

In either case, it shows that kids are language sponges and adaptable and that the opportunities presented to them are entirely an accident of birth.

HHWKUL on January 23rd, 2018 at 09:01 UTC »

Spanish. The other language is spanish she's learning from her spannish nanny.