Paths of 800 unmanned bicycles being pushed until they fall over

Image from and submitted by comp615
image showing Paths of 800 unmanned bicycles being pushed until they fall over

comp615 on January 22nd, 2018 at 19:59 UTC »

Original Paper/PDF: Worth a read, but from an older physics simulation to "present a two-neuron network that can ride a bicycle in a desired direction".

EDIT: Used author's site instead. Thanks random numerical user!

TheAmazingKargol on January 22nd, 2018 at 23:07 UTC »

Very nice figure ! The almost perfect symmetry is quite amazing, my eyes like that ! Anyway, I have a question : For your different 800 trajectories, did you slightly change the initial conditions (e.g. velocity, angle of the wheel, ...) to get different results each time ? If so, by how much ? Or did you introduce some statistical noise ?

Fossafossa on January 23rd, 2018 at 00:20 UTC »

I'm not a statistics person, but there is something significant in the harmonics of how it falls. A scale would take away from the visual appeal, but are the harmonics related to wheel size, crank ratio, or some other factor?