It’s very rare that I commend politicians but as a smoker I have finally quit smoking and it’s due to the plain packaging. Slowly but surely after looking at the pictures threatening mouth, throat, bladder and tongue cancer my subconscious started to fear this was happening... and I quit. Well done!

Image from and submitted by QuadrilateralSilly
image showing It’s very rare that I commend politicians but as a smoker I have finally quit smoking and it’s due to the plain packaging. Slowly but surely after looking at the pictures threatening mouth, throat, bladder and tongue cancer my subconscious started to fear this was happening... and I quit. Well done!

Personal_Lubrication on January 20th, 2018 at 00:28 UTC »

I'd imagine the rising cost played a part?

Good work mate.

pingerpan on January 20th, 2018 at 01:09 UTC »

Congrats mate. Smoking is a cunt. Trying to quit myself.

uniqueusername0054 on January 20th, 2018 at 02:23 UTC »

It really is an awful way to go. It really sucks watching someone you love slowly die and gasp for air for two days and watch tar go through their catheter. It’s fucked up how relieving it is to watch the life leave their eyes. In our case we asked the doctors to administer a morphine overdose(not in those exact words) but they complied. When helping your loved one die is the best option it really makes you think how this product can possibly be legal and how anyone could use it.