Roses are red, it's time for me to go

Image from and submitted by pc_player_yt
image showing Roses are red, it's time for me to go

FurryPornAccount on January 19th, 2018 at 14:02 UTC »

Could the police still pursue the ticket?

CamJD99 on January 19th, 2018 at 15:38 UTC »

For anyone curious, the cops had a sense of humor and posted a fake parking ticket on the makers door saying that they made their night :)

obi1kenobi1 on January 19th, 2018 at 16:06 UTC »

For those who didn't see the original article, it was snow plow day and police were ticketing any cars left in the parking lane. Someone decided it would be funny to build a car out of snow and a police officer fell for it (I think they figured it out before writing a ticket but they did pull over). The only ticketable offense was blocking the snow at that particular time, it's not like it was built in a no parking zone or a fire lane. Because the car was made of snow it wasn't breaking any laws and wasn't eligible for a ticket, the police thought it was funny, and it was plowed away the next day. A perfect harmless prank.